7 Ways To Make Guests More Comfortable When Entertaining

Many people enjoy opening their homes to friends and family. Entertaining can include everything from backyard barbecues to hosting formal dinner parties to providing overnight accommodations. While each of those things is different, hosts always want to ensure their guests are as comfortable as possible, regardless of which style of gathering they’re hosting.

entertaining at home

Hosts can use these seven strategies to help guests feel at home.

1. Consider the details. Does your guest like chocolate covered almonds? Does he or she prefer a certain genre of music? Take note of the specific details that make the guest tick, and then incorporate them into your entertaining plans.

2. Ready the space. Not everyone has a full-fledged guest room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create a welcoming and private retreat for guests. Turn a home office into an overnight area with a pull-out couch or even a dressed-up air mattress with high-quality linens.

3. Anticipate guests’ needs. Think like a concierge when hosting at home. Have extra toothbrushes, antiperspirant, mouthwash, and a phone charger at the ready. Is your guest a reader? Keep a few selections nearby or a book of puzzles so they can stay busy during their downtime.

4. Keep dietary needs in mind. Guests have different palates and preferences, but some may have serious food allergies as well. Ask in advance if any guests have food allergies so you can ensure that any meals served are not just delicious, but also safe and healthy.

5. Keep pets at bay. Guests may not be as enamored with pets as their hosts. If you know a guest has an allergy or an aversion to pets, keep the animals away as much as possible.

6. Freshen the home. Take inventory of your home in its current state and make some minor improvements. Add some interior lighting, clean the bathrooms, create some extra seating, and freshen up with some flowers to make for a welcoming environment.

7. Prepare a special meal. Give guests a sensational meal they’re not likely to forget. This can mean indulging a little with sourced ingredients, home cooking and a good bottle of wine.

Comfort should always be a priority when readying a home for guests.


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