Fixed Panels Shutters
The panels are fixed but the louvers can be operated to move and lock into place.

Downtown Austin Texas near the medical district. The shutters acted as a fence but also allowed the sunlight and wind to circulate on the patio. When there was high winds the louvers could be locked into place blocking the wind.

Miami Florida private beach with exterior shutters on the West and East side to block both the view and sunlight.

Big Bear Lake Southern California. The shutters became a room divider between 2 condos. The louver also could be closed for privacy reasons.
You can achieve Privacy with exterior shutters.
Louvered Shutters: The slats that can be fixed or adjustable. Adjustable louvers allow you to control light and visibility—tilt them closed for privacy or open for airflow and light.

Our homeowners wanted some privacy from the next door neighbors looking in our back patio so they contacted us for a solution.

The lovely thing was we split the tilt of the exterior shutters so they could also have airflow and light and privacy.

The benefit of the shutters is it also prevented the rain coming on to the porch.
You can achieve Privacy and also deter the weather with exterior shutters.
Adjustable louvers allow you to incoming weather such as snow. Our homeowner had beautiful views in Colorado but want to hide the neighbors up on the mountain. tilt them closed for privacy they also had the added benefit of keeping snow off the porch and helped to retain the heat from the fireplace. Thus a beautiful view was preserved for them.

Our homeowners in Colorado had this beautiful view out of the top balcony. This is an actual photo from the homeowner.

They wished to block the view from the house under construction on the top of the mountain. So we removed the railing and replaced it with exterior aluminum shutters

Working locally with experience craftsman the railing was removed and the fixed panels were placed into the opening..

So durning the summer months the homeowner could close the top set of louvers to block the other house and still have the bottom louvers open for air and sunlight.

The view and the feeling of having the mountain all to themselves by blocking off the neighbors brought them great joy.

Once finally installed the homeowner sent us photos of the final project.

A week later the homeowner was so happy because the shutters kept the snow off the decking and they could enjoy the warmth of the fireplace and the balcony.

Our homeowners sent us this photo and thanked us for helping to preserve the beautiful view. This was actually an untouched photo of the mountain that Marla sent us.

We were so happy the client loved the shutters and she took the time to share the photos with us that we sent her flowers out of deepest appreciation for trusting us with her home.